The storytelling show I produce and co-host in NYC's East Village with Cammi Climaco is still going strong and we had a GREAT show last night featuring:
Ryan Paulson (http://ryanpaulson.com)
Jenny Rubin (http://jennyrubin.blogspot.com)
Jen Scanlin
Ellen Garrison
The show was great with stories so insane that, at one point, the space's disco ball and dance floor laser lights were activated.
We also had a pilot filmed last night! So some very high-end clips from the show might be out there soon.
The podcast of ASK ME: BodyTalk is about to come out in a few days. So be sure to check ITunes and download it. In the meantime, check out our blog at http://askmestories.com/wordpress/
See you next month on Wednesday, September 1st for ASK ME: BFF